A Free WordPress Plugin


There are a number of shortcodes attributes you can use as an alternative to the settings for each table. You can combine shortcode attributes: [loancomparison filter=checked sorting=checked]

Shortcode Explanation
[loancomparison] Standard slider (uses the default values)
[loancomparison loanslider=hidden] Hide the amount slider
[loancomparison termslider=hidden] Hide the term slider
[loancomparison filter=checked] Show the filters
[loancomparison filter=1] Preselect filter 1 (or 2 or 3)
[loancomparison rating=checked] Show the rating
[loancomparison sorting=checked] Show the sorting dropdown
[loancomparison offers=checked] Show the number of offers
[loancomparison barchart=true] Show the barchart
[loancomparison bank=Lendo] Shows the bank if the bank name is the same as the alt text. Show multiple banks separated by a comma