Upgrade to Premium
Whilst the free version does the job the Premium upgrade has a number of extra features to provide a better experience for your visitors.
For just $45 you get:
- An option to display up to 10 independent comparison tables
- Bank Data Importer
- Form title and feature checkboxes
- Bar Charts
- Promotional Ribbons
- Results filtering
- Sorting by rating, bank name, fees, repayments and totals
- Bank feature highlights
- Information about the number of matches
- Credit Scores
See the Premium example See the free example
To upgrade login to your dashboard and go to Settings > Loan Comparison > Upgrade and follow the instructions.
Hi Graham,
When I try to upgrade, the paypal is for 45 $. However, here I see that it is for 35 $. Which one should I consider?
$45. I’ve now fixed the page so it shows the correct figure.
If I need 4-6 license, do you have any special price on that
Hi Pedro. I can do a license for up to 6 sites for $150. If you can pay in GBP the cost is £120 (a big saving).
The number of licenses is not limited? If I want to put on 10 of my sites.
I can give you a discount for multiple sites
HI Graham,
I would need to change the domain name. But I purchased the pro version for a different domain name. Can I use the same key on the new domain as well ?
Is the $35 fee for lifetime update and suppose?
Lifetime updates yes.Support depends on what help you need. But most of the time it’s free.
Where can I get the import export extra plugin?
Hi Ake,
I’ve sent you an email with a download link
I paid to upgrade but where can I get the activation key?
It should upgrade automatically. You should also get an email with the key and it’s on your PayPal receipt (as the item number).
If none of this has happened it may mean you didn’t return to your website after completing the payment.
I can’t upgrade, it keeps showing Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
How can i proceed?
I’ve found the bug and will issue an update later when I get home.
Version 0.4 has been uploaded